Brandon Adams, Landscape Architect
Associated Landscape Architects
A Joint Venture
In 2001, Brandon Adams, Landscape Architect and Plauche' Johnson Landscape Architects
formed a joint venture to prepare the City of Mobile Green Space Master Plan under a contract
with Mobile Tricentennial, Inc. Since the completion of this project , the two firms have continued
to joint venture on projects related to the development of parks, bike paths and green spaces
proposed in the master plan.
The following are projects by Associated Landscape Architects:
City of Mobile Green Space Master Plan
Location: Mobile, Alabama
Client: Mobile Tricentennial Committee
Joint-Venture: Associated Landscape Architects: Brandon Adams,
Landscape Architect & Plauche Johnson Landscape Architects
Project Description: Master Plan for the development of over 1600
acres of new public parks and over 50 miles of new bike paths
throughout the City of Mobile. The plan also includes the creation of
new planted medians, the preservation of natural wooded and
wetland areas, nature education and interpretive areas, restoration
of brownfields and public access to Mobile Bay.
Published: Mobile Register
Montlimar Creek Bike Path
Location: Mobile, Alabama
Client: Atofina Chemicals Incorporated
Joint-Venture: Associated Landscape Architects: Brandon Adams,
Landscape Architect & Plauche Johnson Landscape Architects
Project Description: Design drawings and construction documents
for a new bike path along Montlimar Creek in Mobile, Alabama. The
bike path design extends from Airport Boulevard to Michael
Boulevard for a distance of approximately one-mile and includes a
bike sculpture, signage, seating, bike racks, and new plantings.
Construction Cost Estimate: $320,000
Estimated Completion: 2004
Bay Shore Park
Location: Mobile, Alabama
Client: Mobile Tricentennial Committee
Joint-Venture: Associated Landscape Architects: Brandon Adams,
Landscape Architect & Plauche Johnson Landscape Architects
Project Description: Design drawings and construction documents
for a new three-acre passive recreational city park overlooking
Mobile Bay. The park design includes a 200-foot boardwalk, an
overlook shelter, a parking area, walkways, picnic areas, picnic
shelters and plantings.
Estimated Cost: $320,000
Mary W. Wood Waterfront Park
Location: Mobile, Alabama
Client: Mobile Bay National Estuary Program
Project Description: Design of a new waterfront park located on
Mobile Bay. The design includes a new road and parking area, a
gazebo, boardwalks, lighting, interpretive signage and new plantings.
Estimated Cost: $568,000